Safe Zone is a DEI training that is offered on many college campuses. It provides a brave space for participants to learn how to be better allies and build a more accepting community for LGBTQ+ folks. This training takes the college-focused Safe Zone content and retools it specifically for museum professionals. As a participant, you will be able to develop basic strategies, understanding, and language with which to better communicate with and serve LGBTQ+ people. Whether Safe Zone is familiar to you or not, there is always a new perspective to gain. Join us to help us make museums in the Southeast a respite for our LGBTQ+ visitors, colleagues, and communities.
Katy Malone is the Manager of Education and Community Engagement at the McClung Museum, which is a part of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She has been a arts and culture professional for over fifteen years, and a museum educator for ten years. Malone has taught Safe Zone classes in multiple contexts for college communities and is honored to bring this important knowledge and dialogue to her museum peers.