Let Freedom Ring! | 
| July 15, 2016 | 
| President James K. Polk Home and Museum Columbia
| | | AASLH Announces 2016 Leadership In History Awards
| | Way To Go, Tennessee Museums!
| AASLH is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2016 Leadership in History Awards. Congratulations to the following museums:  - Stones River National Battlefield, for the program "Hallowed Grounds: Sites of African American Memories"
- Historic Travellers Rest Plantation & Museum, for the exhibit "A Past Uncovered: The Story of the Enslaved People of Travellers Rest"
- Nashville Public Library, for the program "Civil Rights and a Civil Society." In addition, this nomination is also a recipient of a HIP (History in Progress) Award. This award is given at the discretion of the awards committee to 5% or less of the total winners of the Award of Merit for a project that is highly inspirational, exhibits exceptional scholarship, and/or is exceedingly entrepreneurial in terms of funding, partnerships, or collaborations, creative problem solving, or unusual project design and inclusiveness.
Congratulations again to all! Awards will be presented at the Awards Banquet on September 16th during the AASLH Annual Meeting in Detroit.  | | | New TAM Awards Guidelines Coming Soon! | | Speaking of Awards..... |
| Your TAM Awards Committee has been hard at work reviewing the current nomination form, guidelines, looking at better definitions of what the judges look for and a better explanation of criteria for an award....basically everything having to do with awards nominations! The guidelines and nomination form have been long overdue for an update, and the committee is working to get things finalized and in place by late fall, so they can be rolled out and give everyone plenty of time to review them before nomination deadlines the end of January. The committee is hoping to make the nomination form less confusing, clearer in its explanation, and easier to fill out.
Watch this space for more updates! |
| | | - More News You Use - | Happenings Around the State Nominations Sought for TPT's "Ten in Tennessee" The Tennessee Preservation Trust's "Ten in Tennessee Endangered Properties List Program" is TPT’s strongest advocacy tool for the state’s most endangered historic sites. Each year, TPT seeks nominations for the "Ten in Tenn" from the public from each of Tennessee’s nine Development Districts. Listing on the Ten in Tennessee Endangered List raises awareness of the property’s historic value, gives credibility to restoring the building, and draws the much needed attention of the public. For more information or to nominate a property, click HERE. Nominations can be submitted now through July 30th! 
************************************* Hands On! Museum Takes Over Gray Fossil Sight On July 1, Johnson City's Hands On! Regional Museum took over management and operations of the East Tennessee State University and General Shale Brick Natural History Museum at the Gray Fossil site. The result of a year-long collaboration, a new agreement between ETSU and Hands On! will transfer management of the site away from the university. The museum will take over management and coordinate future exhibits at the fossil site; ETSU will continue management of excavation, research and teaching activities. Hands On! will continue to operate at its current location, but plans to engage in a capital campaign to fulfill a long-term master plan to revamp current available space at the fossil site, and eventually build a new 30,000 square foot all-ages science center. For more on the story, click HERE. .jpg)
| | Chick History Marches On to Knoxville
Nashville and Memphis are in the books, and next up for Bootcamp is Knoxville. Chick History, Inc., and Humanities Tennessee are heading to East Tennessee for the third Bootcamp as part of “March to the 19th.” Join us August 25th at Ijams Nature Center for a one-day training program for women's history, networking, and professional development with hands-on exercises led by a team of nationally renowned historians. Over 100 museum and history professionals representing more than 40 Tennessee cultural organizations have already participated in the Bootcamp training in Nashville and Memphis earlier this year. More than just a workshop, Bootcamp will push you to see and do things differently. You will come out inspired and ready to protect the frontline of women’s history. Click HERE to learn more and to register. Early bird registration deadline is August 5. Watch for Bootcamp coming to Chattanooga in October! *********************************** Don't Forget Your Kroger Card! Support TAM while Grocery Shopping!! We are now a member of Kroger's Community Rewards Program! Kroger will pay up to $1,250,000 on a quarterly basis to participating organizations based on their percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending of all participating Kroger Community Rewards organizations. To participate, simply register your Kroger Plus Card by clicking "Create An Account" at https://www.kroger.com/ Once registered, you will have the option to enroll a Community Rewards partner. Simply search for Tennessee Association of Museums, or enter our NPO number 23824. That's it! Once registered, all purchases (with a few exceptions) will count towards a quarterly total for TAM! Just use your Kroger card when shopping. **This does not affect points earned for gas savings**  | JIMI Applications Now Being Accepted
The Southeastern Museums Conference (SEMC) is now accepting applications for the 17th annual Jekyll Island Management Institute (JIMI 2017.) Scheduled for January 17-24, 2017, JIMI is specifically designed for administrators from new and emerging museums and for museum professionals with subject area expertise desiring knowledge of general museum administration and operations. The deadline for JIMI 2017 applications is October 28, 2016. For more information on JIMI 2017 program, scholarships, and an application, click HERE.
| Are You Ready to #Invite Congress?
Join the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) for their 5th Annual "Invite Congress to Visit Your Museum" Week, August 6-13.
We all know museums are unique and innovative learning spaces, but do your elected officials know that? The most powerful way to demonstrate that museums are essential is to invite federal, state and local legislators to see first-hand how your museum is serving your community.
AAM has created a handy-dandy "How-To" guide on how to locate, contact, and invite your representatives to your museum, along with tips, your message, PR pointers, a timeline, and more.
| Have news to share?? Send it to tamnewsletter@gmail.com by the 1st of the month for publication on the 15th. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND the following:- We will try to include as much submitted information as possible, but have limited space.
- The primary focus of the newsletter will be announcements, grant and professional opportunities, and news about members and member institutions.
- If an event is happening at the beginning of the month, we will need your information the PRECEDING month for it to be included. Events will be listed if space allows.
- If there is timely information, publication may be earlier than the 15th of the month
- Photos are welcome and encouraged!
- Have something you want to see? Let us know!! This is YOUR newsletter!
We get a lot of notifications on new exhibits, fundraisers, events, programs, and more that we don't have room to promote in the newsletter. And that makes us sad! BUT, did you know we have a Facebook Group page where you can promote your museum's happening? The TAM group page can be found HERE, and we want to encourage you to post upcoming events, information, questions, fun facts...everything museum related! Post, Like and Share your way to successful programs and record crowds! And don't forget about our general TAM Facebook page, currently at over 1000 'Likes!'. It can be found at https://www.facebook.com/tnmuseums/.
And you can also Follow us on Twitter @tnmuseums! | | |