"Each of us has a fire in our heart for something. It's our goal in life to find it and keep it lit." ~Mary Lou Retton | 
| August 15, 2016
| Ft. Loudon State Historic Area Vonore
| | | AASLH Announces 2016 Scholarship Winners
| | Congratulations to Tennessee Staff!
| AASLH is pleased to announce the recipients of their 2016 scholarships to attend the annual meeting next month in Detroit, MI. Two Tennessee museum staffers are included in that list:  - Raka Nandi, Registrar and Collections Manager at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, is the recipient of an AASLH Douglas Evelyn Scholarship for Diversity
- Ashley Bouknight, Assistant Curator at Andrew Jackson's The Hermitage in Nashville, is the recipient of a 2016 Detroit Fellowship for Minority Professionals
Congratulations Raka and Ashley!  | | | Brooke Mundy Named Director at Morton Museum | |
| Brooke Mundy has been named the new Director of the Morton Museum of Collierville History. Before taking on the role of Director she was the Collections and Special Projects Coordinator, where she managed the museums' collections, assisted in developing new exhibits, and coordinated special events for the museum. Before joining the Morton Museum in 2014 she was the Collections graduate assistant at the C.H. Nash Museum in Memphis. Says Brooke, "I did not think I would be in this position this early into my career, but I am honored to have the opportunity and support of Collierville and excited to serve such a wonderful community." Brooke also serves as TAM Secretary.
Congratulations Brooke!
| | | - More News You Use - | Happenings Around the State Update on Registering Your Kroger Card: It's Time to Re-Enroll! As reported in last month's newsletter, you can register your Kroger card for their Community Rewards Program and support TAM while shopping. If you're already enrolled, it's time to re-enroll, as annual enrollment is expiring at the end of the month. Click https://www.kroger.com/ to access your account and re-enroll. If you're new to the program, simply register your Kroger Plus Card by clicking "Create An Account." Once registered, you will have the option to enroll a Community Rewards partner. Simply search for Tennessee Association of Museums, or enter our NPO number 23824. That's it! Once registered, all purchases (with a few exceptions) will count towards a quarterly total for TAM! Just use your Kroger card when shopping. From feedback from our members who live outside of Nashville, we've been told that some people couldn't register, as the site wouldn't recognize their local Kroger store. We're talking to the fine folks at Kroger, but it seems since TAM's address is listed as Nashville, only Nashville stores will be recognized when you are asked to pick your preferred store. If you don't rely on the Preferred Store function for anything (like Prescriptions), this won't affect how you use the site. Email us at tnmuseums@gmail.com if you have any questions about Kroger's Community Rewards Program.  | | Chick History Marches On to Knoxville
Nashville and Memphis are in the books, and next up for Bootcamp is Knoxville. Chick History, Inc., and Humanities Tennessee are heading to East Tennessee for the third Bootcamp as part of “March to the 19th.” Join us August 25th at Ijams Nature Center for a one-day training program for women's history, networking, and professional development with hands-on exercises led by a team of nationally renowned historians. Over 100 museum and history professionals representing more than 40 Tennessee cultural organizations have already participated in the Bootcamp training in Nashville and Memphis earlier this year. More than just a workshop, Bootcamp will push you to see and do things differently. You will come out inspired and ready to protect the frontline of women’s history. Click HERE to learn more and to register. It's not too late!
Watch for Bootcamp coming to Chattanooga in October! ***************************** ALHFAM Regional Conference Coming to Nashville in 2017 Historic Traveller's Rest Plantation in Nashville will be host to the Southeast Association of Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums (SEALHFAM) regional conference March 31 - April 2, 2017. "Moundbuilders to Lawbuilders; Making Your Site's Story Inclusive" is the theme for this regional conference. Call for papers will be coming soon! For more information on the conference, contact Tonya Staggs at tonya@travellersrestplantation.org, or visit ALHFAM's webpage here.

| Have You Signed Up With AmazonSmile? A lot of us regularly shop on Amazon for work and for personal items. Did you know you can support TAM simply by clicking a button? Every time you shop, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to a charitable organization of your choice. You can sign up at this link to pick TAM as your designated charity! You can also use your already existing Amazon account. On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you'll be prompted to choose a charity. Or, under Account Settings, click on "Change Charity." Enter in "Tennessee Association of Museums," scroll down,and click Select. It's that easy! For more information about the program, click here. And remember, when you shop Amazon, you MUST go to smile.amazon.com for it to count. Happy shopping!! 
| National Council for History Education Conference Coming to Atlanta The 2017 NCHE Conference, "Histories Seen and Unseen," will be held in Atlanta, GA March 30-April 1. Join K-12 history teachers, college faculty, museum staff and other lovers of history for three great days of history, education and learning.
The "Histories Seen and Unseen" conference will feature over 70 Breakout Sessions, three Keynote Speakers, the NCHE Exhibit Hall and Enrichment Excursions around Atlanta. Proposals are now being accepted for Breakout, Mini and Poster Sessions. The deadline to submit is September 26. http://www.nche.net/conference/submitaproposal
| Have news to share?? Send it to tamnewsletter@gmail.com by the 1st of the month for publication on the 15th. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND the following:- We will try to include as much submitted information as possible, but have limited space.
- The primary focus of the newsletter will be announcements, grant and professional opportunities, and news about members and member institutions.
- If an event is happening at the beginning of the month, we will need your information the PRECEDING month for it to be included. Events will be listed if space allows.
- If there is timely information, publication may be earlier than the 15th of the month
- Photos are welcome and encouraged!
- Have something you want to see? Let us know!! This is YOUR newsletter!
We get a lot of notifications on new exhibits, fundraisers, events, programs, and more that we don't have room to promote in the newsletter. And that makes us sad! BUT, did you know we have a Facebook Group page where you can promote your museum's happening? The TAM group page can be found HERE, and we want to encourage you to post upcoming events, information, questions, fun facts...everything museum related! Post, Like and Share your way to successful programs and record crowds! And don't forget about our general TAM Facebook page, currently at over 1000 'Likes!'. It can be found at https://www.facebook.com/tnmuseums/.
And you can also Follow us on Twitter @tnmuseums! | | |