It must be October; the trees are falling away and showing their true colors. ~ Charmaine J. Forde | 
| October 15, 2018 | 
| Chester Inn State Historic Site & Museum, Jonesborough
| | | TAM Conference – Only Six Months Away!Proposals, award nominations, conference info | |
| It might still be 2018, but it's time to start thinking about the TAM 2019 conference in Clarksville, Tennessee! This year’s theme is Connect, Cultivate, Sustain. Here's what you need to know: TAM Award nominations are NOW being accepted!
Now is the time to nominate your programs, exhibits, publications, and awesome volunteers for recognition at the 2019 TAM Awards of Excellence ceremony in Clarksville! You will find the updated and revamped guidelines HERE and the nomination form HERE. Your Awards Committee has been hard at work updating both of these documents, and we want to make you aware of some changes this year. All of the changes are marked **NEW** on the guidelines, but here are a few to make you aware of: - Most importantly, THERE WILL BE NO DEADLINE EXTENSION! The final and only deadline will be January 25, 2019. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this date!
- We have added a new Institutional Size category. Previously $1M and above was the largest museum size category; we have now made two categories from this: $1M–$5M AND $5M and above.
- There is a NEW Digital Media category that will cover websites and also include social media pages and digital collections.
- The Volunteer category is broken into three subcategories and now requires a narrative, rather than filling out the nomination form.
- Temporary exhibits that opened in November or December of 2017 are now eligible for nomination for the 2018 awards.
If you have questions, please feel free to email your area representative, found HERE, or Tori Mason, Awards Committee Chair, at We look forward to seeing all the awesome things our Tennessee institutions are doing! Good luck! TAM Awards Committee rep needed The TAM Awards Committee is looking for a volunteer from East Tennessee to fill the Area Representative position for the Knoxville area and surrounding counties. Commitment primarily is between January and early March, and includes one in-person meeting in Nashville in February. If interested, please contact Tori Mason, Awards Committee Chair, at The Committee would like to thank Amy Steadman, formerly of the Reece Museum in Johnson City, for her service to the committee the past several years. We also want to wish her well in her new position in Virginia! Location, Location, Location! The conference hotel for TAM 2019 is going to be the Riverview Inn in Clarksville. The TAM Conference group rate is $98 per night if you make your reservation by February 19, 2019. Call 931-552-3331 for reservations; you must use the group code TAM Annual Conference to receive the discount. The hotel will require a credit card or deposit to hold the reservation. And finally... The Tennessee Association of Museums is pleased to announce our joint scholarship program with Humanities Tennessee for the 2019 Annual TAM conference. Check out this link to learn more about eligibility, what the scholarships cover, deadlines, and how to apply. 
It's Time to Start Building the Women's History Calendar!
In 2016 Chick History, in partnership with Humanities Tennessee, launched March to the 19th, a grassroots campaign for women's history in Tennessee. Over the past two years, we've traveled across the state building a network and collecting stories in Phase I and II. And now, it's time to start work on Phase III: Sharing the Women's History All Around Us. To do this, we will produce a multi-media "This Day in History" calendar with content that focuses on persons, events, objects, and places associated with a particular day in Tennessee history and women's contributions to those moments.
We want all Tennesseans to be a part of this. Is there a Tennessee women's history story that you have always loved and want to know more about? Is there an event in history, and you've always wondered...was there a Tennessee woman involved? Is there a myth or story you've heard over and over, and always wondered if it was true? What events or parts of history do you want to know more about? As we build this calendar, we want to make sure it has you in mind, and the things you are interested in learning about. Please click here to give us your input!
For museums, sites, and collections: We have a special survey for you. For those who work, volunteer, or are associated with a Tennessee museum, site, or historic collection, library, etc., please take this version of the survey. This is your chance to spread the word about your women's history! Click here to learn more about March to the 19th.
Grand Opening of the New Tennessee State MuseumThe new Tennessee State Museum opened on Thursday, October 4 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony that kicked off a five-day Grand Opening weekend. The ribbon-cutting ceremony featured remarks from Governor Haslam. The governor was joined by Tom Smith, chairman of the Douglas Henry State Museum Commission; Ashley Howell, executive director of the Tennessee State Museum; Drew Holcomb, singer-songwriter; students from the John Early Museum Magnet Middle School; the Tennessee State University Aristocrat of Bands; and U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander, who delivered the keynote address. Thousands of visitors have come through the doors since the museum's opening to experience six permanent exhibitions ranging from First Peoples beginning in 13,000 BCE to Present Day, six temporary galleries highlighting the work of Red Grooms, Tennessee's Musical Heritage and WWI, among others, a Children's Gallery, a Digital Learning Center, and more. It is free to the public. More information can be found on the museum's new website We hope all our TAMFamily will come visit us soon!

IMLS Grants for Museums Museums across the United States have six opportunities in the coming months to apply for grants from the nation’s primary source of federal museum funding. The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is now accepting applications for five current grant programs, as well as a new opportunity targeted to small museums. The museum funding opportunities and their deadlines are: For more information, go to this link. |
| Featuring Tennessee Institutions and All the Great Stuff They Do! | |
| With limited space in the TAM newsletter, it's hard to feature all of the great events, exhibits, programs, and achievements of our Tennessee museums, cultural institutions, and historic sites. Therefore, as often as possible, we will use some space here to feature the websites and blogs of Tennessee institutions and to offer brief congratulations for specific achievements and awards. This will help members to learn more about each other and enable you to follow the wonderful work these places are doing and go deeper into their content.This month check out the website of the Heritage Alliance of Northeast Tennessee & Southwest Virginia, an organization dedicated to the preservation of the architectural, historical, and cultural heritage of their region and to providing educational experiences related to history and heritage for a wide range of audiences. Amongst other things, they operate the Chester Inn in Jonesborough and promote experiential learning through Oak Hill School.
If your museum or site runs a blog or interesting website that you'd like to see featured in the TAM newsletter, or if you have a specific achievement you'd like to share, please send details to Communications Chair Rene Rodgers at |
| AAM Webinars
Recorded webinars:
Did you know that you can access recorded webinars from AAM? With over 70 programs to choose from, their recorded webinars cover a range of topics and offer an affordable, accessible and convenient online learning opportunity for you and your staff. Purchase of each recorded webinar includes access to the archived recording and presentation materials. Programs originally produced after 2009 feature closed-captioning. Click on the categories below to browse the AAM webinar library: ************************* Other Learning Opportunities
| | AASLH Webinars & Online Courses
October 17, 2018: Humanities for All October 22–December 17, 2018 (Part 1) and January 22–March 15, 2019 (Part 2): Developing Exhibitions
October 23, 2018: History Check-In: Women's Suffrage October 30, 2018: Historic House Call: Planning for Special Events ************************************************ AAM EdComversation Every third Thursday from 4:00 to 5:00pm (ET), you can join AAM for a live EdComversation. This month's discussion on October 18 will focus on "Museums as Platforms for Transitional Justice: An EdComversation with Dina Bailey, Ereshnee Naidu and Sarah Pharaon." For the last three years, the Global Initiative for Justice, Truth, and Reconciliation (GIJTR) – a flagship program of the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience – has promoted just and sustainable peace in countries in transition through truth-telling, community reconciliation, and memorialization. By sharing ground-breaking models, emphasizing peer learning, and placing local communities at the center of their projects, GIJTR has built a transitional justice community of local populations, practitioners and policymakers. Join Sites of Conscience staff in exploring how U.S. museums can play a vital role in promoting cultures of justice by examining approaches used by organizations around the world.
| | - More News and Information - |
| Amazon Smile and TAM
Did you know that you can support TAM through any shopping you do on Amazon Smile? Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% to the Tennessee Associations of Museums whenever you shop on the site – for anything from books to clothes to house goods!
Use this link to set up TAM as your charitable beneficiary on Amazon Smile today! 
| Current TAM Board Members, including contact details for regional reps:
Ken Mayes, President Dollie Boyd, President Elect Brad Kavan, Treasurer Brooke Mundy, Secretary Debbie Shaw, State Coordinator Rene Rodgers, Communications Chair Bethany Hawkins, Conference Chair Tori Mason, Awards Chair Hobart Akin, Professional Program Chair Melina Ludwig, Technology Chair
Charles Googe, Vice President – East TN
Rebecca Price, Vice President – Middle TN Chick History
Vice President – West TN (to be filled) | Have news to share?? Send it to by the 1st of the month for publication around the 15th. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND the following:- We will try to include as much submitted information as possible, but have limited space.
- The primary focus of the newsletter will be announcements, grant and professional opportunities, and news about members and member institutions.
- If an event is happening at the beginning of the month, we will need your information the PRECEDING month for it to be included. Events will be listed if space allows.
- If there is timely information, publication may be earlier than the 15th of the month
- Photos are welcome and encouraged!
- Have something you want to see? Let us know!! This is YOUR newsletter!
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