I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. ~ L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables | 
| October 15, 2017 | 
| Tennessee Agricultural Museum Nashville
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Coalition of Tennessee History Partners Unite to Expand Narrative of African American Women's Suffrage | |
| After focus group meetings in July to discuss the parameters of the project, a statewide coalition with representatives from the National Civil Rights Museum, Beck Cultural Exchange Center, Nashville Public Library, the University of Memphis, the Center for Historic Preservation at Middle Tennessee State University, Tennessee State University, and the Memphis Branch of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History is focusing its collective might to document early African American women's political history and expand the history of suffrage in Tennessee. Starting November 17–18 at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, Protecting the Legacy will digitize original photographs, documents, and memorabilia at events held across Tennessee over the next two years. The goal is to make the materials available for public research and educational purposes once the project is complete. Early research unveiled stories of women such as Mrs. T. S. Brown, who founded a Black Woman’s Suffrage Club and corresponded with Mayor E. H. Crump in 1927 about ensuring African American women paid their poll taxes and were registered to vote.
Now, the project seeks, with help from the public, to uncover other local suffrage stories. Project leaders are asking those interested in participating to look through family history for information about African American women that dates to 1930 and earlier. Places to start include: - Letters, journals and photographs of African American women, particularly leaders in the church, school or community;
- Newsletters and meeting notices published by Historic Black Churches and Women’s Clubs;
- Family stories passed down about women’s voting experiences in the 1920s.
The November event is organized by staff, students and volunteers from Chick History, the National Civil Rights Museum, the Memphis Branch of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, and the University of Memphis, with support from Rhodes College's Memphis Center and Crossroads to Freedom Program. For more information, visit www.protect.chickhistory.org or call 615-913-2513. 
Photographs and letters stored in attics or photo albums often contain political histories of African American women. | |
| Featuring Tennessee Institutions and All the Great Stuff They Do! | |
| With limited space in the TAM newsletter, it's hard to feature all of the great events, exhibits, programs, and achievements of our Tennessee museums, cultural institutions, and historic sites.Therefore, as often as possible, we will use some space in the newsletter to feature the websites and blogs of Tennessee institutions. This will help point our members to these sites so that they can follow all of the wonderful work these places are doing and go deeper into their content.
This month check out the Metal Museum's blog. Their blog is a chance to explore the different exhibits and projects happening at the museum, and also to learn more about the artists and objects featured in the Metal Museum exhibits. A recent favorite post is the closer look – and stop-motion film – of a metal chess set created by artist Mariko Kusumoto. If your museum or site runs a blog or interesting website element that you'd like to see featured in the TAM newsletter, please send details to Communications Chair Rene Rodgers at rrodgers@birthplaceofcountrymusic.org. |
| | - UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES - | AAM Opportunities
Webinars & Online Conversations:
Recorded webinars:
Did you know that you can access recorded webinars from AAM? With over 70 programs to choose from, their recorded webinars cover a range of topics and offer an affordable, accessible and convenient online learning opportunity for you, your staff and your colleagues. Purchase of each recorded webinar includes access to the archived recording and presentation materials. Programs originally produced after 2009 feature closed-captioning. Click on the categories below to browse the AAM webinar library:
******************************** Colleague Discussions about the AAM LGBTQ Welcoming Guidelines for Museums
Join colleagues at host institutions across the country during the week of November 6–9, to discuss the AAM LGBTQ Welcoming Guidelines for Museums. The Welcoming Guidelines compile preferred practices for museums to use in working with LGBTQ professionals and communities. A series of checklists allows museums to review each of AAM’s 38 Characteristics of Excellence from the perspective of LGBTQ staff and visitors, and groups the characteristics into functional areas. The goal of these local group discussions is to help museum colleagues better understand how to use the Welcoming Guidelines and how they can be applied in all types of institutions. Participants will briefly discuss the goals of the Welcoming Guidelines, review the document, and work through an exercise that is relevant to their institution. Participants are encouraged to download and read the LGBTQ Welcoming Guidelines for Museums prior to attending a local convening. If you are interested in hosting a local colleague discussion at your institution, please see this information and host RSVP form. You may schedule your event during the week of November 6–9, on a date and time that is most convenient to you and your organization. Deadline to sign up to host an event is October 27. | |
AASLH Opportunities
Webinars: October 24, 2017: Best Practices for Developing History Internships
October 25, 2017: Bringing the Past to the Present: Contemporary Issues at Historic Sites and Museums November 2, 2017: Historic House Call: Interpreting Historic Landscapes November 7, 2017: Active Collections: How to Create a Leaner Collection for Greater Impact November 10, 2017: Interpreting Difficult History: Histories of Slavery, Violence, and Oppression November 14, 2017: Policies and Procedures for Deaccessioning Online courses:
November 15–December 15: Basics of Archives
For information about AASLH’s Continuing Education/Professional Development offerings, visit www.aaslh.org or contact Amber Mitchell at Mitchell@aaslh.org. ********************************** Other Webinar Opportunities October 17, 2017: What is This? Solving Problems Found in Collection
November 9, 2017: Imaging in Context: Introduction to Still Imaging Digitization for Smaller Institutions November 16, 2017: NAGPRA for the Local Museum: An Introduction to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act ****************************** AAM Excellence in Exhibit Label Writing Competition Now Open! By highlighting the remarkable work of label writers and editors, the competition seeks to champion high-quality label writing and inspire museum professionals to produce their very best work. Each year, selected exhibition labels are featured at the Marketplace of Ideas during the AAM annual meeting and in the competition’s online archive. The goal is to serve as a resource for museum professionals striving to write excellent label copy. Deadline for submission is December 9, 2017. For questions on the competition and how to enter, email Catherine Wood at labelcmp@uw.edu.
| Amazon Smile and TAM Did you know that you can support TAM through Amazon Smile? Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% to the Tennessee Associations of Museums whenever you shop on the site – for anything from books to clothes to house goods! Use this link to set up TAM as your charitable beneficiary on Amazon Smile today! 
| Current TAM Board Members, including contact details for regional reps:
Ken Mayes, President Dollie Boyd, President Elect Tracy Lauritzen Wright, Treasurer Brooke Mundy, Secretary Debbie Shaw, State Coordinator Rene Rodgers, Communications Chair Bethany Hawkins, Conference Chair Tori Mason, Awards Chair Hobart Akin, Professional Program Chair Rebecca Price, Technology Chair Chris Gunlefinger, Development Chair Mary Skinner, Membership Chair Caroline Voisine, Student Outreach Chair
Charles Googe, Vice President – East TN
Medal of Honor Heritage Center Chattanooga, TN 37343 423-877-2525
Terri Jordan, Vice President – Middle TN Customs House Museum Clarksville, TN 37040 931-648-5780, ext. 38
Vice President – West TN (to be filled) | Have news to share?? Send it to tamnewsletter@gmail.com by the 1st of the month for publication on the 15th. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND the following:- We will try to include as much submitted information as possible, but have limited space.
- The primary focus of the newsletter will be announcements, grant and professional opportunities, and news about members and member institutions.
- If an event is happening at the beginning of the month, we will need your information the PRECEDING month for it to be included. Events will be listed if space allows.
- If there is timely information, publication may be earlier than the 15th of the month
- Photos are welcome and encouraged!
- Have something you want to see? Let us know!! This is YOUR newsletter!
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