"I'm so glad to live in a world where there are Octobers." ~L.M. Montgomery | 
| October 14, 2016 | 
| Tennessee Agricultural Museum
| | | 2017 TAM Conference Call For Sessions | | "Museums of Many Colors" | | March 15-17, 2017, Pigeon Forge | 
The Tennessee Association of Museums invites you to the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, March 15-17, for its 2017 Annual Conference! Museums, historic sites, national park sites, craft galleries, and entertainment venues that blend mountain heritage with modern tourist amenities surround the conference hotel, the Holiday Inn Hotel and Convention Center in Pigeon Forge. Also nearby is Dollywood, the “homespun” attraction of local-girl- turned-international-icon Dolly Parton. Parton’s 1971 hit, “Coat of Many Colors,” serves as inspiration for this year’s conference theme, Museums of Many Colors. Whether you are restoring a historic site, building an exhibition, developing education programming, or planning a fundraiser,TAM knows the passion and dedication you expend in behalf of your organization. And, regardless if your organization is well staffed or purely volunteer, we all know what it feels like to take a “box of scraps” and turn them into a finished product. As Parton’s song explains: And oh I did not understand it, for I felt I was rich And I told them of the love my momma sewed in every stitch And I told ‘em all the story momma told me while she sewed And how my coat of many colors was worth more than all their clothes… So, how are you piecing your organization together? How are you creating unforgettable experiences that make your community “rich?” How are you showing “love” for diverse audiences? How are you maintaining the “worth” of best practices while exploring current trends? TAM invites you to submit session proposals for the 2017 Annual Conference that reflect the prismatic experiences of today’s Tennessee museums! Deadline for submission is November 30, 2016. Please contact Theresa Hammons, chair of the TAM Conference Committee, at theresah@jonesboroughtn.org or Debbie Shaw, TAM State Coordinator, at 615-495-3354 or tnmuseums@gmail.com with any questions. To submit your proposal online, follow THIS LINK. We look forward to seeing all your colorful session proposals! | | | Make Your Hotel Reservations Now! | | Holiday Inn Hotel and Convention Center, Pigeon Forge |
| Your TAM Board met recently at this year's conference host hotel, The Holiday Inn Hotel and Convention Center, Pigeon Forge, to continue planning next year's conference. Giving a nod to home town sweetheart Dolly Parton, we decided on "Museums of Many Colors" as our conference theme. We hope this theme will highlight the many types of organizations represented within TAM, and all the unique and memorable things you do every year to further your mission.
And it's never too early to make hotel reservations. To secure the group rate of $72.99 per night,, please call 1-800-555-2650 and mention the Tennessee Association of Museums 2017 Annual Conference Room Block. Last day to reserve a room at the group rate will be January 30, 2017.
The Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center Pigeon Forge is located at 3230 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN. |
| | | - Things To Know - | FINAL "March to the 19th" Bootcamp
Chick History in partnership with Humanities Tennessee is hosting the final Bootcamp for their 5-year grass-roots campaign, "March to the 19th," a state-wide initiative to rebuild women's history. Join Chick History on October 27 in Chattanooga, at the Hunter Museum of American Art.
Visit Chick History for more information or to register. Early bird registration ends TODAY!!  *********************************** NEA Grant Scam Alert!!  The National Endowment for the Arts recently became the subject of a scam and is alerting the public to not respond. People claiming to be NEA employees are contacting the public via Facebook, telephone or email, stating the individual has been awarded a grant but must provide seed money to an account to release the funds, often times framed as a processing or delivery fee. This is a scam! If you have been contacted by someone claiming to be an employee of NEA asking you to send money in order to receive a grant, please report it immediately. For more information, go to https://www.arts.gov/news/2016/national-endowment-arts-warns-public-about-grant-scam

| | "Museum and Library Services Act of 2016" Senate Bill
Last month, Senators Jack Reed (D-RI) Susan Collins (R-ME), Thad Cochran (R-MS), and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) introduced S. 3391, the "Museum and Library Services Act of 2016." This bipartisan legislation, which the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) worked to help craft, would reauthorize the Institute of Museum and Library Services for six years and advance many of the Principles for IMLS Reauthorization endorsed by the museum field. 
TAM is pleased to announce that we have added your organization to the letter of support from AAM that will go before the Senate as the bill advances. We join AAM and other national, regional and state organizations across the country, including AASLH, American Public Gardens Association, Association of Art Museum Directors, Association of Children’s Museums, Association of Science-Technology Centers, Association of Zoos and Aquariums and National Coalition for History, to help build momentum for this vital legislation. To read more about the bill and follow its progress, click HERE. To learn more about AAM's involvement, and how you can contact your Senator to lend your support, either as a museum or individual, click HERE. Let your voice be heard!  | | - More News You Can Use - | | Exhibition Development Webinar
The National Association for Museum Exhibition (NAME) is partnering with AAM to present a webinar on November 9 from 2-3:30pm EST, Getting Started on Exhibition Development. The webinar was created because of a standing-room-only session at AAM’s annual meeting last May, so the topic definitely seems to have a lot of interest!
In conjunction with the webinar, NAME and AAM are encouraging museums to host a "Watch and Talk" event at their sites, to connect and learn with local colleagues. There is NO COST to host or attend a local "Watch and Talk" event. Hosting an event consists of: - 30 minutes of pre-webcast check-in and networking
- 90-minute live webcast
- 60 minutes post-webcast facilitated discussion or activity (AAM will provide discussion questions)
If you are interested in hosting, please contact Greg Stevens at gstevens@aam-us.org. The deadline for host information is Friday, October 21.
Click HERE for more information on the webinar.
************************************** | | Your TAM Board
 Bottom, L-R: Adam Alfrey, Past President; Dollie Boyd, East TN Vice President; Ken Mayes, President; Brooke Mundy, Secretary; Polly Brasher, Development Chair. Top, L-R: Bill Hickerson, West TN Vice President; Rebecca Price, Technology Chair; Debbie Shaw, TAM Coordinator; Tracy Lauritzen Wright, Treasurer; Tori Mason, Awards Chair. Not pictured: Mary Skinner, Membership Chair; Terri Jordan, Middle TN Vice President; Theresa Hammons, Conference Chair.
********************************** Have news to share?? Send it to tamnewsletter@gmail.com by the 1st of the month for publication on or around the 15th. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND the following:- We will try to include as much submitted information as possible, but have limited space.
- The primary focus of the newsletter will be announcements, grant and professional opportunities, and news about members and member institutions.
- If an event is happening at the beginning of the month, we will need your information the PRECEDING month for it to be included.
- If there is timely information, publication may be earlier than the 15th of the month
- Photos are welcome and encouraged!
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