The Tennessee Association of Museums’ Board is about to embark on a strategic planning process that will help us set goals and develop ways to better serve you and your organization. With that in mind, we need your input. Please complete the survey at the link below before December 14. It will take 5-10 minutes and is critical for planning for the future of TAM. Click here to access the survey: TAM is YOUR state museum association and we look forward to hearing from you! Responses are already coming in so be sure to make your voice heard before December 14.
TAM 2019 Conference – What You Need to Know!
It might still be 2018, but it's time to start thinking about the TAM 2019 conference in Clarksville, Tennessee! This year’s theme is Connect, Cultivate, Sustain. Here's what you need to know: NEW! Student Poster Session! New to the TAM Annual Conference this year is the Student Poster Session! We want to encourage students to submit ideas for recently completed projects or works-in-progress. It will be an opportunity to present your ideas and accomplishments to the TAM Conference attendees. The deadline for submission is January 18, 2018. For more information about the poster session and how to submit your poster, check out this link. TAM Award nominations are NOW being accepted!
Now is the time to nominate your programs, exhibits, publications, and awesome volunteers for recognition at the 2019 TAM Awards of Excellence ceremony in Clarksville! You will find the updated and revamped guidelines HERE and the nomination form HERE. Your Awards Committee has been hard at work updating both of these documents, and we want to make you aware of some changes this year. All of the changes are marked **NEW** on the guidelines, but here are a few to make you aware of: - Most importantly, THERE WILL BE NO DEADLINE EXTENSION! The final and only deadline will be January 25, 2019. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this date!
- We have added a new Institutional Size category. Previously $1M and above was the largest museum size category; we have now made two categories from this: $1M–$5M AND $5M and above.
- There is a NEW Digital Media category that will cover websites and also include social media pages and digital collections.
- The Volunteer category is broken into three subcategories and now requires a narrative, rather than filling out the nomination form.
- Temporary exhibits that opened in November or December of 2017 are now eligible for nomination for the 2018 awards.
If you have questions, please feel free to email your area representative, found HERE, or Tori Mason, Awards Committee Chair, at We look forward to seeing all the awesome things our Tennessee institutions are doing! Good luck! TAM Awards Committee rep needed The TAM Awards Committee is looking for a volunteer from East Tennessee to fill the Area Representative position for the Knoxville area and surrounding counties. Commitment primarily is between January and early March, and includes one in-person meeting in Nashville in February. If interested, please contact Tori Mason, Awards Committee Chair, at Location, Location, Location! The conference hotel for TAM 2019 is going to be the Riverview Inn in Clarksville. The TAM Conference group rate is $98 per night if you make your reservation by February 19, 2019. Call 931-552-3331 for reservations; you must use the group code TAM Annual Conference to receive the discount. The hotel will require a credit card or deposit to hold the reservation. And finally... The Tennessee Association of Museums is pleased to announce our joint scholarship program with Humanities Tennessee for the 2019 Annual TAM conference. Check out this link to learn more about eligibility, what the scholarships cover, deadlines, and how to apply. 
It's Time to Start Building the Women's History Calendar!
In 2016 Chick History, in partnership with Humanities Tennessee, launched March to the 19th, a grassroots campaign for women's history in Tennessee. Over the past two years, we've traveled across the state building a network and collecting stories in Phase I and II. And now, it's time to start work on Phase III: Sharing the Women's History All Around Us. To do this, we will produce a multi-media "This Day in History" calendar with content that focuses on persons, events, objects, and places associated with a particular day in Tennessee history and women's contributions to those moments.
We want all Tennesseans to be a part of this. Is there a Tennessee women's history story that you have always loved and want to know more about? Is there an event in history, and you've always wondered...was there a Tennessee woman involved? Is there a myth or story you've heard over and over, and always wondered if it was true? What events or parts of history do you want to know more about? As we build this calendar, we want to make sure it has you in mind, and the things you are interested in learning about. Please click here to give us your input!
For museums, sites, and collections: We have a special survey for you. For those who work, volunteer, or are associated with a Tennessee museum, site, or historic collection, library, etc., please take this version of the survey. This is your chance to spread the word about your women's history! Click here to learn more about March to the 19th. 
Call for Essays in Upcoming BookThe editors of For Love or Money: The State of Museum Salaries are looking for proposals for essays to be included in a book to be published by MuseumsEtc in the fall of 2019. The museum profession suffers from systemic under-compensation and pay inequality. This book will examine both the causes of this situation and its resulting effect on staff, institutions, and the profession. It will also propose strategies for remedying the problem. It will identify internal and external factors that suppress wages, consider the impact of the present practices and paradigms on the field as a whole, articulate the benefits that fair and equitable compensation would achieve, and develop solutions to address wage inequity with the goal of strengthening our institutions, allowing committed museum staff to advance in careers that are financially and personally rewarding. The Call for Papers can be found at |