August was nearly over -- the month of apples and falling stars... ~ Victor Nekrasov | 
| August 15, 2017 | 
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TAM Awards of Excellence Start Thinking About Nominating Your Museum Now!
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| It's not too early to be thinking about the TAM Awards of Excellence! Even though the submission deadline is still several months away, we want to encourage you to start thinking NOW about how your institution should be recognized. Not only do we want you be thinking about the TAM awards, but NOW is the time to start gathering information to help make your nomination strong and to inform your Awards Committee of what all your nomination encompasses. What kind of information is needed for a strong nomination? - Photos – Document everything! The planning process, designs, exhibit installation, attendance, guests enjoying programs and exhibits, volunteers hard at work – the committee doesn't just want to see the end result; show us how you got there!
- Budget – While it's all fresh in your mind, jot down the details of the budget for your projects. This will save you from having to dig for it later!
- Staff time – How much time was involved in the element you are nominating? Make a note of it now so you don't have to try to remember!
- Attendance numbers, visitor comments, press releases, media coverage – Bragging rights count big!
For reference, click here for the 2017 Award Guidelines. These will be updated for the 2018 nominations but should give you the information you need to start pulling together your nomination now. Remember, taking the time now to make a few notes will help you in filling out the nomination forms later. And, you don't have to wait until the deadline to submit a nomination! If your nomination was something that happened earlier in the year, fill out an application and submit it now – again, this is last year's application and will be updated, but it is fine to use it if you want to submit before the revised version is up on the website. We can always follow up later if we have any questions on your application.
Your Awards Committee wants to make the nomination process as easy as possible. If you have any questions, please reach out to a committee member, or to Tori Mason, Awards Chair, at We look forward to seeing all the great things our Tennessee museums have done in 2017! | |
| TAM Supports the Position to Preserve Fort Negley Park | |
| One of the Tennessee Association of Museum's goals is to inform the public on the importance of understanding and preserving Tennessee's cultural, historical, and scientific heritage.In January 2017 the Nashville Mayor's office released an RFQ for the development of the 18.2-acre Greer Stadium property, part of Fort Negley Park. The RFQ calls for a 21-acre site, which means three acres of parkland will be confiscated; it stipulates the plans should include residential, retail, and commercial space. It's unclear what the scale and mass of the new development will be, but park advocates have raised concerns about increased vehicular traffic, impacts on significant view sheds, and damage to archaeological and cultural artifacts. Fort Negley Park supporters are advocating for the Greer Stadium complex to be returned to park use, which would be consistent with the Nashville Park Board's original intent expressed in 1928 when the Overton property was purchased: "to make the land a public park."
The development of the Greer parcel would set a dangerous precedent for developing Nashville's parks, and it would threaten the preservation of a nationally recognized Civil War heritage site, dishonor unmarked African American graves, and deprive Nashville of the opportunity to hold on to much-needed green space in the heart of the city.
TAM supports the preservation of Fort Negley Park and has sent a letter to the Metro Council / Mayor's office stating our position. We encourage our members, especially those in the Nashville area, to visit, spearheaded by the Friends of Fort Negley, to learn more about their efforts and read other expert opinions.
If you are based in the Nashville area, we encourage you to take the opportunity to make your voice heard on this issue as well. |
| | - UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES - | AAM Opportunities
Recorded webinars:
Did you know that you can access recorded webinars from AAM? With over 70 programs to choose from, their recorded webinars cover a range of topics and offer an affordable, accessible and convenient online learning opportunity for you, your staff and your colleagues. Purchase of each recorded webinar includes access to the archived recording and presentation materials. Programs originally produced after 2009 feature closed-captioning. Click on the categories below to browse the AAM webinar library:
******************************** Jekyll Island Management Institute (JIMI) Applications Now Open The Southeastern Museums Conference (SEMC) proudly announces the 18th annual Jekyll Island Management Institute (JIMI 2018). Scheduled for January 16–23, 2018, JIMI is specifically designed for administrators from new and emerging museums and for museum professionals with subject area expertise desiring knowledge of general museum administration and operations. The deadline for JIMI 2018 applications is October 15, 2017. Located on historic Jekyll Island, GA, this highly successful training program provides a unique eight-day immersion for museum professionals seeking the opportunity to learn management, personnel, and interpretive skills from leading experts. Sessions include management styles, administration and trusteeship, strategic planning, fundraising and marketing, technology, developing exhibits, public relations, collections management, disaster preparedness, interpretation, volunteer management, and museum ethics. Various scholarships are available to help pay for JIMI tuition. | |
AASLH Opportunities
Webinars: August 23, 2017: Historic House Call: Developing Discussion Based Interpretation September 26, 2017: Interpreting Agriculture at Museums and Historic Sites Online courses: October 16–November 10: Project Management for History Professionals November 15–December 15: Basics of Archives For information about AASLH’s Continuing Education/Professional Development offerings, visit or contact Amber Mitchell at
********************************** AASLH Conference Registration is still open for the 2017 AASLH Annual Meeting "I Am History" in Austin, Texas, on September 6–9. There are pre-registration rates until August 18 and then onsite rates from the August date until the conference. For more information and to register, visit AASLH also offers six "hot topic" sessions through an online conference on September 7 and 8. ********************************** Grant Deadlines September 11, 2017: Archives Development Program Direct Grants; available to entities that serve as the official repositories for county or municipal records September 25, 2017: State Board Programming Grants; available to all government and nonprofit organizations that preserve and make publicly available accessible permanent and historically significant records, manuscripts, photographs, or other archival collections. The guidelines and applications for these grants can be found here. | | - More News and Information - | | Featuring Tennessee Institutions and All the Great Stuff They Do!
With limited space in the TAM newsletter, it's hard to feature all of the great events, exhibits, programs, and achievements of our Tennessee museums, cultural institutions, and historic sites.
Therefore, as often as possible, we will use some space in the newsletter to feature the websites and blogs of Tennessee institutions. This will help point our members to these sites so that they can follow all of the wonderful work these places are doing and go deeper into their content.
This month check out the Tennessee State Museum's TN4me site, which covers Tennessee history – from the first Tennesseans through the Civil War and Reconstruction to the information revolution of today – and is based on many of the artifacts in the museum's collection!
| Current TAM Board Members, including contact details for the regional reps:
Ken Mayes, President Dollie Boyd, President Elect Tracy Lauritzen Wright, Treasurer Brooke Mundy, Secretary Debbie Shaw, State Coordinator Rene Rodgers, Communications Chair Bethany Hawkins, Conference Chair Tori Mason, Awards Chair Hobart Akin, Professional Program Chair Rebecca Price, Technology Chair Chris Gunlefinger, Development Chair Mary Skinner, Membership Chair Caroline Voisine, Student Outreach Chair
Charles Googe, Vice President – East TN Medal of Honor Heritage Center Chattanooga, TN 37343 423-877-2525
Terri Jordan, Vice President – Middle TN Customs House Museum Clarksville, TN 37040 931-648-5780, ext. 38
Vice President – West TN (to be filled) | Have news to share?? Send it to by the 1st of the month for publication on the 15th. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND the following:- We will try to include as much submitted information as possible, but have limited space.
- The primary focus of the newsletter will be announcements, grant and professional opportunities, and news about members and member institutions.
- If an event is happening at the beginning of the month, we will need your information the PRECEDING month for it to be included. Events will be listed if space allows.
- If there is timely information, publication may be earlier than the 15th of the month
- Photos are welcome and encouraged!
- Have something you want to see? Let us know!! This is YOUR newsletter!
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